NN webapp - addon to GPP and EG

Objective: help you inform your networks in how to set up GPP systems.

Intro: GPP or "Goals Pathway Plan" is a 'coordination system' to help you to move toward your NDIS goals faster and smarter with online presence (from your computer or mobile devices) and offline (the help of an ethical group formed by families and friends of NDIS participants.

Webapp: is an portable free to download app to connect with the system (might be already running in your phone!)

Presenting the program: share a link with your network, this link will take them to the NDIS provider delivering the GPP -previously approved by a group of families/friends-.

Why this is better: (1) it allows a team of experienced people sharing information and exchanging views (the families/friends volunteering on it); (2) less paperwork because it develops better teams and actions in the community, (3) fosters more inclusion and less administration costs. 

How to answer negative questions:

  1. "But we are already doing this":  You can answer "Do you have a webapp to include family and friends to follow on realtime that is happening?" or "this system has received praises for 12 years in a row from NDIS planners",  
  2. "We are already filling forms and books about it: my favourite answer is "Does your system has in the backbone families/friends of people living with a disability overseeing as volunteers the ethical part of it? This is about going beyond forms and books , it's about learning more about the person and his/her goals and options and walk together towards them while building social capital.
  3. "What makes you different from others?": (1) the system has an ethical group of peers following up the moral principles of caring and how the progress is achieved; (2) it can be documented on real time; (3) you can view it on realtime -how the plan in moving forward or what it's stopping it, (4) we know and encourage the value of building quality in care givers, we have designed a exclusive online/offline group for carers to come and talk about their experiences, issues and ideas, allowing a therapeutic effect to increase quality and sense of humanity in what we are doing.
Any questions? Talk to the NDIS provider running GPPs or communicate with us -click here-

Sharing the link: with families and friends of NDIS participants to explore the wider benefits, if you are a Support Worker you can run the program and/or have online support from certified NDIS providers. Expand your career and join a network of opportunities!

Learn more: The Ethical Group, The     Hub.


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