Families and Friends of NDIS participants hub

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Goals Pathway Planner -GPP-

Designed by families for families to support people achieve and surpass their NDIS goals.

Designed with families and friends of people with Autism, Alzheimer, Parkinson and Encephalitis; while conducting Brain Stem research in Australia (2018-2021) to help improve the life of their loved onesWe used ‘Applied Biocybernetics’, with genetic algorithmic reactions to foster neural networks that increased community connectivity in real-life.

Outputs: (1) the transformation of uncooperative individuals into teams, (2) empowering teams to become trainers, (3) nourishing individuals into self-managed teams (staff, groups and organisations) by (4) coordinating the process of brain-stem information, and, (5) outstanding reviews from government representatives in Australia (NDIS) for 2 years in a row.


  1. Learning: from the person’s goals and documenting progress, using brain-stem tools growing more neural connectors (weekly),

  2. Interacting: testing if we are going in the right direction – e-project reviews- (fortnightly),

  3. Community: connecting virtualisation with Social Role Valorisation and Empowerment tools, improving the inputs in the community as a social actor who is part of the social fabric, impacting positive change (monthly),

  4. Circle of support (CS): applied ‘game theories’ to include and/or build a CS friends and family (bimonthly reports) around the person and his/her choices, and

  5. Reviews: ongoing training and innovations (every 4 months).

Grids: as a by-product, support workers and families have built a “Carers for Quality” and “Ethical Group” grids, in which they exchange impressions to grow in this program. Their goal: ensure that top quality is delivered. Grids are local and online.

Ethical Group (family and friends)

  1. Building a bigger NDIS providers network, reviewed by the group.

  2. Guests and Family/Friends are sensors in the cybernetic system

  3. Carers are trained and Family/Friends can have access to the process.

  4. Ethical Group meets twice a year to assess progress/opportunities.

  5. NDIS participants and their Family/Friends can interact in actions such as staff recruitment.

  6. Possible GPP implementations are proposed to the NDIS provider.

  7. The main goal is Quality not quantity.

updates: proposed to follow the successful model of AA (local groups with regional meet ups). 22/2/2022 5pm

Carers grid:

  1. Care givers promote activities,

  2. Education and information is shared,

  3. Possible GPP implementations in SIL arrangements are presented,

  4. Industry trends and events are shared.


At the yearly assessment time, the NDIS planner couldn’t be happier with the evidence how the life of the participant has moved forward”.

Harvey C. - Support Coordinator at Kyabra.

My brother improved his life dramatically, even the planner said my brother was more active and that he has a better life than himself!”

Lauren S. - Sister of an NDIS’ participant.

This is about empowering the people we support, moving from the traditional to a more person to person approach, creating a real connection and friendship”.

William H. – Senior support worker.

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Relevant data to follow up:

1- Community engagement: -click here- (Thanks for sharing David I.)

2- One of the jewels from our conversation with David I. was the "Cultural" issue found in many places and countries about the inclusion of vulnerable communities (when society makes you feel invisible), something that we will discuss with our hubs to follow up

3- Next link: EG in action (finding humanity again). https://reubenportfolio.blogspot.com/2022/02/eg-ethical-group-in-action-families-and.html


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