
Showing posts from 2022

Case manager - probono

CM probono helping others to: 1. Review issues, 2. Explore options,  3. Activate solutions,  5. Follow up.  A professional MCC (manager in clinical care) free of charge to help our community in our free time. Options to link with agencies that are suited to your needs and study them together. Helping vulnerable and fragile members of our community. Contact us for more information: click here

Virtual Job XP

 How to build your pathway: Get a "How to get a job book" from the library or a friend, Then hack it by adding virtualisations (learning module game), Get an sponsor from saywhatLFT , The B-Angels will support your service pack for up to $7,900 You pay something to get in, The sponsor will assess your request (don't be to tight or too loose, give what is fair) Once you sponsor has releases the cash, other players from saywhatLFT will start playing in your progress. How it works: Get a sponsor from, saywhatLFT, Obtain the tools for the game from saywhatLFT Play it, Have fun -it's like the bloody Matrix You will be given missions -ever played Dungeon and Dragons? Once you are in the mesh you will report to your 'beacon' (a participant from saywhatLFT) You will be moving forward to your goal every fortnight Once you get in a paid job you pay back your sponsor in little bits You can support others too by buying virtual coins (eg. you might need 50 coins to have a

The 3-Mode framework (making triangles of communication to work in your favour)

Didn't you know that most images you see on the digital world are little triangles in order? Now you will be able to use the same concept in communication to make the path to were you want to be a little bit easier: A trilogy of actors coming together to help you move forward. This framework can be used for: Goals progress: if you have a goal you can test it on virtual environments and take the best Project management: moving forward with less stress and less budget impacts Decisions making: try before you buy and idea, you will be able to test before you commit to ideas from your managers. An example: 1- A company was trying to make their employees to finish their training, 2- They were on a race against the time, 3- HR tried many times using many resources (including digital training) and little progress was made, 4- Their audit was closing in, they had no chance. How 3-Model was implemented: 1- Communication actors were reviewed, 2- Projections of solutions were tested, 3- Virtu


The use of cybernetics with a goal to establish balance in the mind. Uses macro elements ~sg. Superstructure+ and micro elements ~body endocrine system~. Explicit points: 1- initial conditions 2. Antirobust.  3. Repositioning 4. Baseline. - go back to 1. Uses: 1.Awareness 2. Decisions 3. Negotiations.  4. Debrief  5. Cooperation.  Areas: 1. Psychological hygiene, 2. Stress 3. Management. Howto: 1. Training 2. Plan with CT specialist 3. Follow up.  Contacts: click here. 

Back in time with JAT - just another trilogy

Yes, we're back on Alan Walker's "Faded", which was used on that Organic Farm gig (software to help non MGOs) we did on the Sunshine Coast (Qld, Australia). The female Estonian member of our hub who spotted the first lines of the code was listening to it! Hence the selection trilogy, AKA triad, moved into a discussion sketch to place the target in a neural puzzle embedding her/him in the actions to follow (kind of  Go game) played in 20 secs -under normal biocybernetic conditions- and 12 secs in virtualisation. On the lab test, the triangle was drawn, elements (players/users) positioned themselves inside or outside (following their preferences), users had 5 secs to respond/react, command or option was sent to headphones and only interaction was via computer screen. An 80-20 solution was reached once users concurred on similar or opposite axis points within the triangle. This presents a logical pattern of trusting what is inside, I can see, I can understand. If target

Ethical Reporting

Tutorials and reach out options. Contact us: click here

NN webapp - addon to GPP and EG

Objective: help you inform your networks in how to set up GPP systems. Intro: GPP or "Goals Pathway Plan" is a 'coordination system' to help you to move toward your NDIS goals faster and smarter with online presence (from your computer or mobile devices) and offline (the help of an ethical group formed by families and friends of NDIS participants. Webapp: is an portable free to download app to connect with the system (might be already running in your phone!) Presenting the program: share a link with your network, this link will take them to the NDIS provider delivering the GPP -previously approved by a group of families/friends-. Why this is better:   (1) it allows a team of experienced people sharing information and exchanging views (the families/friends volunteering on it); (2) less paperwork because it develops better teams and actions in the community, (3) fosters more inclusion and less administration costs.  How to answer negative questions: "But we

EG -ethical group- in action (families and friends of NDIS participants)

  Ethical Group (EG) in action (find ing humanity again) Sharing our know-how. Focused on empowering the individual. Exchanging experiences. Reach and foster the moral need to help those struggling . Reviewing useful contacts. Share/accept volunteer our help. Presenting outputs to relevant organisations ( eg. NDIS) to help them to improve. Develop a moral framework. C ompany and connections to those in need. Serve/admit the help of others. Invite providers to participate (in teamed solutions) . Work together to try to reduce errors in the past. Teamed-solutions, EG’s sponsors plus providers; eg. a SIL arrangement will have the main service provider including 2 more SIL providers to work in tandem (if lack of staff or overflow of participants). Reduce competition and humbly moved into cooperation and community building. Voting in and our providers/solutions. Tag lists, improve and offer providers to work on short

Families and Friends of NDIS participants hub

   ---start doc---- Goals Pathway Planner -GPP- Designed by families for families to support people achieve and surpass their NDIS goals. Designed  with families and friends of people with Autism, Alzheimer, Parkinson and Encephalitis;   while  conducting  a  Brain Stem research in Australia  (2018-2021)  to help improve the life of  their loved ones .  We used ‘ Applied Biocybernetic s’,  with genetic algorithmic reactions to  foster  neural networks that increased community  connectivity  in real-life . O utputs:   (1)  the transformation of uncooperative individuals into teams,  (2)  empowering teams to become trainers,  (3)  nourishing individuals into self-managed teams (staff, groups and organisations) by  (4)   coordinating t he process of brain-stem information, and,  (5)   outstanding  review s  from government representatives in Australia ( NDIS ) for 2 years in a row. Components: Learning:  from the person’s goals and documenting progress,  using brain-stem tools growing mor

F9 earbuds syncing

A:   I FIGURED IT OUT!!! Take both earbuds out. Don't have it connected to your phone just yet. click both sides 5 times or more. A blue-red light will appear but it would not blink. Put it back in the case and close it. Open it back up and you will see that the right side is not flashing red and blue light but the left side is. take them both out and connect it to your phone. IT SHOULD 100% WORK