EG -ethical group- in action (families and friends of NDIS participants)


Ethical Group (EG) in action (finding humanity again)

  1. Sharing our know-how. Focused on empowering the individual.

  2. Exchanging experiences. Reach and foster the moral need to help those struggling.

  3. Reviewing useful contacts. Share/accept volunteer our help.

  4. Presenting outputs to relevant organisations (eg. NDIS) to help them to improve. Develop a moral framework.

  5. Company and connections to those in need. Serve/admit the help of others.

  6. Invite providers to participate (in teamed solutions). Work together to try to reduce errors in the past.

  7. Teamed-solutions, EG’s sponsors plus providers; eg. a SIL arrangement will have the main service provider including 2 more SIL providers to work in tandem (if lack of staff or overflow of participants). Reduce competition and humbly moved into cooperation and community building.

  8. Voting in and our providers/solutions. Tag lists, improve and offer providers to work on shortcomings with EG’s assistance.

  9. Give a 3-6 months opportunity of selected providers to chair actions (meetings, emails, networking). Give the change to providers to run basic EG actions -whenever possible-.

  10. Innovation in services/products. Continue to develop progress and if issues can be corrected, admit them and move forward.

  11. Review -with other ethical groups and/or invited community members’ participation- how EG is moving and improve our input platform.

  12. Share this program with others in need of a supportive community of friends who have experienced and endure similar situations.

Example of EG

For a provider to have the EG seal, they must comply with the following:

  1. For a SIL arrangement, the solution must have at least 3 SIL providers (1st,2nd and 3rd tier).

  2. First tier is the main service provider, second tier is the next in line to help in case that first tier is having staffing or any other issues, third tier is waiting to help if the participant, 2nd tier and/or family/friends requires it.

  3. EG will be notified of changes -if participant and/or family/friends allows it-.

  4. The participants and/or family/friends can request EG to help with information to negotiate with providers.

  5. EG members can volunteer with the participant and/or his/her family/friends.

Previous link: Families and friends of NDIS participants (


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