IKIGAI as a tool for inclusive communities


Ikigai is Japanese concept that means your "reason for being". 

The Ten Rules Of IKIGAI:
  1. Stay active; don't retire. “Those who give up the things they love doing and do well lose their purpose in life. ...
  2. Take it slow. ...
  3. Don't fill your stomach. ...
  4. Surround yourself with good friends. ...
  5. Get in shape for your next birthday. ...
  6. Smile. ...
  7. Reconnect with nature. ...
  8. Give thanks.
  9. Live in the moment
  10. Live your Ikigai.


Title: Applying the Ikigai Philosophy to Promote Inclusion in Community Development



The concept of Ikigai, which originated in Okinawa, Japan, has gained popularity worldwide as a means of finding purpose and fulfillment in life. The term Ikigai refers to the intersection of four elements: passion, mission, vocation, and profession. By identifying and pursuing the activities that fall within this intersection, individuals can find greater meaning and satisfaction in their lives. This project proposes the application of the Ikigai philosophy to promote inclusion in community development. The project will involve a comprehensive review of literature on the Ikigai philosophy and inclusive communities, as well as qualitative research involving interviews and focus groups with community members.



Inclusive communities are those that are welcoming, accessible, and respectful to all individuals regardless of their background, abilities, and identity. Inclusive communities promote social justice, equity, and a sense of belonging among all members. However, creating and sustaining inclusive communities requires intentional effort, collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose. The Ikigai philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of finding one's purpose and passion in life, can serve as a useful framework for promoting inclusion in community development.



The objectives of this project are: 

  1. To explore the concept of Ikigai and its relevance to inclusive communities. -
  2. To examine the barriers to inclusion in communities and how the Ikigai philosophy can address them.
  3. To identify the best practices and strategies for applying the Ikigai philosophy in community development.
  4. To develop a set of recommendations for promoting inclusion in communities through the Ikigai philosophy.



The project has involved a comprehensive review of literature on the Ikigai philosophy and inclusive communities. The literature review has been conducted using online databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and PubMed. The review will cover a range of topics, including the history of the Ikigai philosophy, its core principles, and its applications in various fields.

In addition, the project will involve qualitative research involving interviews and focus groups with community members. The research has been conducted in a sample of diverse communities to capture a range of perspectives and experiences. The interviews and focus groups has been conducted using a semi-structured approach, and the data will be analyzed using thematic analysis.


Expected Outcomes: 

  1. A better understanding of the Ikigai philosophy and its relevance to inclusive communities.
  2. An identification of the barriers to inclusion in communities and how the Ikigai philosophy can address them.
  3. The development of a set of best practices and strategies for applying the Ikigai philosophy in community development.
  4. A set of recommendations for promoting inclusion in communities through the Ikigai philosophy.



  1. Inclusive communities are essential for promoting social justice, equity, and a sense of belonging among all members. 
  2. The Ikigai philosophy, which emphasizes finding one's purpose and passion in life, can serve as a useful framework for promoting inclusion in community development. 
  3. This project proposes the application of the Ikigai philosophy to promote inclusion in community development. 
  4. The project will involve a comprehensive review of literature on the Ikigai philosophy and inclusive communities, as well as qualitative research involving interviews and focus groups with community members. 
  5. The project is expected to contribute to the development of best practices and strategies for promoting inclusion in communities through the Ikigai philosophy.


Implementation Title: Ikigai in action 

- Creating Inclusive Communities in Australia - 


Background: Ikigai is a Japanese concept that refers to the feeling of purpose and meaning in life. It encompasses the idea of finding joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction through doing what one loves, what one is good at, what the world needs, and what one can be paid for. The concept of Ikigai has gained popularity in recent years as a way of achieving happiness and well-being in personal and professional life. In this project, we aim to explore how the principles of Ikigai can be applied to create inclusive communities using biocybernetic tools (not intrusive).


Objectives of implementation:

 1. To understand the concept of Ikigai and its relevance to community building.

 2. To identify the key elements of inclusive communities.

 3. To develop strategies to foster Ikigai and inclusivity in community settings.

 4. To pilot test the strategies and evaluate their effectiveness (with local communities at Logan/QLD).



The project has been conducted in three phases:


Phase 1: Literature review and expert consultation (Sept-Nov. 2022)

We have conducted a literature review to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of Ikigai and its application in community building. We also have consulted with experts in the field of community development, psychology, and sociology to gain insights into the key elements of inclusive communities.


Phase 2: Strategy development (Dec/2022 to Jan/2023)

Based on the findings from phase 1, we have developed strategies to foster Ikigai and inclusivity in community settings. The strategies have been developed through a participatory approach, involving community members and stakeholders. We have organized focus groups and workshops to identify the needs and aspirations of the community, and co-created strategies that are relevant and feasible.


Phase 3: Pilot testing and evaluation (conducted February-March 2023)

We have pilot tested the strategies in selected communities and have evaluated their effectiveness. We have collected data on the impact of the strategies on community members' well-being, sense of purpose, and social connectedness. 

The issue: "non-guest people accessing a private swimming pool, the resident children were suffering from bullying from the non-guests and as a result (because neither the managers, police, school not parents were able to help) the adult residents in were thinking about use violence to get the non-guests out". The solution: Implementing a Inclusive Community approach; violence was not used and issue was reduced dramatically.

We have also gathered feedback from the community members and stakeholders to refine the strategies and make them more effective. The real life use was:

a- Invited by Logan City Council: to present outcomes of "Inclusive Community" for violence reduction in Logan (non-guests people accessing private swimming pool).

b- We used a biocynernetic tool: connected with Ikigai to create inclusive community in the area.

c- The rules: of the inclusion pathway reduced issues by 50% in less than 2 weeks.

d- Inclusiveness: developed into virtual reality platforms in which neighbors interacted online/offline,

e- Self-sustainable: other key-stakeholders requested to be part of the model (local school, churches and community groups). Private companies agreed to participate and sponsor its progress by including it in their "Ethical Investment" model.  

f- Expansion: individuals and companies connected the model with other City Councils to replicate it (Ipswich, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, etc.).

g- Planning: use in rural areas and trip to Japan to get a wider understanding of the Ikigai concept through a Churchill Fellowship.


Achieved Outcomes so far (dated 30/April/2023): 

  1. A deeper understanding of the concept of Ikigai and its relevance to community building.
  2. Identification of the key elements of inclusive communities.
  3. Development of strategies to foster Ikigai and inclusivity in community settings.
  4. Increased well-being, sense of purpose, and social connectedness among community members.
  5. A toolkit for community developers and practitioners to foster Ikigai and inclusivity in community settings.



The project "Ikigai in action: Creating Inclusive Communities" aims to explore how the principles of Ikigai can be applied to create inclusive communities. By developing strategies that foster Ikigai and inclusivity in community settings, we hope to promote well-being, social connectedness, and a sense of purpose among community members. The project has the potential to contribute to the field of community development by providing evidence-based strategies for fostering inclusive and vibrant communities.


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