Back in time with JAT - just another trilogy

Yes, we're back on Alan Walker's "Faded", which was used on that Organic Farm gig (software to help non MGOs) we did on the Sunshine Coast (Qld, Australia).

The female Estonian member of our hub who spotted the first lines of the code was listening to it!

Hence the selection trilogy, AKA triad, moved into a discussion sketch to place the target in a neural puzzle embedding her/him in the actions to follow (kind of  Go game) played in 20 secs -under normal biocybernetic conditions- and 12 secs in virtualisation.

On the lab test, the triangle was drawn, elements (players/users) positioned themselves inside or outside (following their preferences), users had 5 secs to respond/react, command or option was sent to headphones and only interaction was via computer screen. An 80-20 solution was reached once users concurred on similar or opposite axis points within the triangle.

This presents a logical pattern of trusting what is inside, I can see, I can understand. If target is presented with a bridge pattern cycle, the option to get into a similar and functional cooperative position is reached in less than 20 seconds. In other words, the target is connected to the networked actions and becomes part of it.

Notes: remember old trilogies Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, I want-you want-barriers, you-me-the other, etc move in cyclical permutations repositioning the initial conditions when the user activates her/his neuro-image of the point we are choosing/discussing something.

Update: was used to raise capital from online software ventures to help farmemrs (2016-2018); recently used to create interest in 3 players (roles) to help the target finish her/his online learning modules in Aug/2022.   


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