Draft 2.1: c2b2


  1. 1)    Engagement and rapport as credibility building;
  2. 2)    needs assessment as problem research;
  3. 3)    competitive comparison and
  4. 4)    budget throughout the process.

456 Hours of Client Engagement Management, Organisation research and BDM activities. Budget $30,000.

Leaving the parochial and traditional marketing & sales stovepipes:

  1. 1)      Marketing and Sales: differences.
  2. 2)      Communication systems
  3. 3)      Virtual reality
  4. 4)      Genetic algorithms
  5. 5)      Connecting the above with Business Architecture, Culture, Objectives and Goals.
  6. 6)      Mision and Vision as an advert tool in VR


Cloud microsystem running in the background:

  1. 1)      Cloud Prestige
  2. 7)      Cloud Confidence
  3. 8)      Microweb Trust.
  4. 9)      LoRaWAN-like Cooperation in Society and Business networks.

Communicating intel with M&S:

a.    Establishing Contact

b.    Qualifying Leads

c.     Educating Leads

d.    Supporting The Wider Sales Team

e.    How Sales Development Representatives Can Take Your Company to the Next Level

BDM architecture -as above- plus follow up sessions.


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