Forests in Selection Process for EiMS 1st Quarter 2025-2026

EiMS is a biocybernetic framework leveraging dialectics and AI to support forest ecosystems (around national parks) in achieving and maintaining world-class certifications, such as ISO 14001. This initiative aims to influence policies, promote sustainability, and drive global environmental impact.

To amplify these efforts, the Australian KindEconomy system has committed to donating up to $500,000 per forest to establish the audit framework, with plans to support five forests per quarter.

First Quarter 2025
The forests (around national parks) proposed for the initial phase are:

1. Venezuela: Mancina and Henry Pittier
2. Ecuador: Mindu and Galapagos
3. Argentina: Mendoza
4. Colombia: Chiribiquete
5. Chile: (Name pending)
6. Brazil: (Name pending)
7. Ethiopia: Sheka Forest (southeastern Ethiopia)
8. Australia: Kimberley region.
9. Asia region: pending

Program Goals for 2025
This year's program will not only focus on forest sustainability but also support an international appeal against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which remains a critical issue in Ethiopia and other sub-Saharan countries.

Ethical Partnerships
The UGB (a global organisation) has been identified as the ethical partner for this initiative, working alongside a diverse network of stakeholders, including schools, community and government organizations, universities, and international groups.


  1. Saludos, Muy bueno si logra realizarse este proyecto, solo un aspecto que no compartiría es: "...sino que también apoyará un llamamiento internacional contra la mutilación genital femenina (MGF) , que sigue siendo un problema crítico en Etiopía y otros países subsaharianos." En estos temas no entramos. La GFU (UGB) No está contra Nada; es una propuesta positiva, activa. Abrazo


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