The Community Case Manager - A Corporate Social Responsibility tool

Description: Veteran Case Managers (CMs) share their knowledge with community leaders and members, guiding them along the journey to becoming proficient Community Case Managers (CCMs). These individuals are community radars and knowledge banks gathering information in a timely manner to proactively address potential bottlenecks, violence, and other issues. 

Delivery method: This approach is supported by genetic algorithmic responses and a highly secure online framework, utilizing web-apps. Within this framework, CMs contribute their time voluntarily, occasionally dedicating it through pro-bono initiatives, with a maximum commitment of 2 hours per month. Inspired by the Micro-Credits program -read more-. 

Corporate benefits: This effort enhances the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of companies and businesses, resulting in a remarkable market presence by showcasing their ethical investment directly within their target demographic. The resources from CSR initiatives are reinvested to further bolster the CCMs concept, particularly within grassroots efforts and communication networks. These networks span both digital platforms and traditional media avenues like radio broadcasts, local magazines, and newspapers. Positive Reputation: Companies involved in CSR initiatives supporting CCMs earn a positive reputation for actively contributing to the betterment of the community, attracting customers who value ethical business practices.

Community Benefits: 

1. Enhanced Social Services: The presence of well-informed Community Case Managers (CCMs) improves the availability and quality of social services within the community, addressing various needs such as healthcare, education, housing, and more. 

2. Increased Support: CCMs provide additional layers of support to community members, offering guidance, resources, and assistance in navigating complex systems and challenges. 

3. Empowerment: CCMs empower individuals by equipping them with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions, fostering self-reliance and autonomy. 

4. Skill Development: Information provided to CCMs and community members encourages skill development, contributing to personal growth and enhancing employability. 

5. Health and Wellness: CCMs can play a vital role in promoting health and wellness awareness, ensuring that community members have access to information about healthy lifestyles, preventive care, and resources for medical assistance. 

-read more-

How to start

To start your CSR ethical investment, sponsorship or aiming to plan one for your community: talk to us (click here). 


  1. Tax deductible (most cases),
  2. Available ongoing training for your staff,
  3. Target audience directed using the latest algorithmic reaction models,
  4. Tailored neural marketing following and improving your own marketing plan,
  5. Biocybernetic and neural pathways friendly, be the first in your industry using the best of the AI's age tools.
  6. Corporate image enhanced, and
  7. Networking with key groups.

Trial Conducted in 2022-2023: read more


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