Research programs - to boost policy improvement

Why more scholarly research 

Undoubtedly, increased scholarly research in any policy area can be instrumental in driving meaningful change.

Scholarly research provides an objective and evidence-based foundation for understanding the complexities and nuances of any given policy area. By rigorously examining the issue at hand, researchers can uncover hidden truths, challenge prevailing assumptions, and shed light on potential unintended consequences of existing policies. 

This evidence-based approach empowers policymakers to make informed decisions grounded in reality rather than conjecture.

Moreover, well-conducted research can serve as a powerful advocacy tool. By highlighting areas where current policies fall short or even exacerbate problems, research can galvanize public support for reform and lend credibility to calls for change.

In essence, while research may not be the sole catalyst for policy change, it undeniably plays a critical role in fostering evidence-based policymaking and promoting informed decision-making. By investing in research, we invest in a future where policies are shaped not by ideology or guesswork, but by rigorous evidence and a deep understanding of the issues at hand.

And as we continue to advance technologically, we are pushing the boundaries of research even further. We're now creating bioAI systems, integrating biological principles with artificial intelligence, to enhance the quality, efficiency, and relevance of research outputs. This represents a significant leap forward, promising to deliver even more impactful and insightful research to guide policymaking in the future.

Here is one of our first actions about including bioAI into models to foster more and good quality of Schorlaly level Research to link with universities (local and international), inviting key-stakeholders and other relevant institutions:

Hi Dr Francis,
Thanks for your presentation at RAL today, I am interested in following up in your previous research paper because:
  • More scholarly research in the area of immigration in Australia can play a crucial role in influencing policy changes,
  • Scholarly research, as you said, provides evidence-based insights into the complexities of immigration, including its economic, social, and cultural impacts, and
  • This evidence can challenge preconceptions, inform policy debates, and offer practical recommendations to policymakers. 

Our goal is to bring solutions to situations like:

  • Research can highlight areas where current policies may be ineffective or even detrimental, leading to more targeted and effective solutions.
  • Additional, robust research can lend credibility and support to calls for policy change, increasing the likelihood of reform.

By implementing our AI systems we are aiming, in short, to boost more research follow ups, even while research alone may not guarantee policy changes, it serves as a powerful tool to promote informed decision-making and evidence-based immigration policies in Australia.

We would like to send a presentation of our project from RAL for your suggestions.




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