Wildlife protection and well-being

Plan designed by a young person who likes to do exercises, especially basketball and help his community to protect wildlife. 

His goal is to protect wildlife in the Ipswich area and one day go and train with a group in the USA and attend a basketball game with the Lakers.


  1. Connect with Wilderness Society and Bushcare groups,
  2. Study endemic and in-risk species,
  3. Involve schools, TAFE and Universities,
  4. Invite community, ethical and spiritual groups,
  5. Connect with local economic development initiatives such as the "Scenic Rim"(visitscenicrim.com.au),
  6. Showcase project in local networks to support initiatives with local government to promote actions and connections,
  7. Open the options for young people and adults to connect,
  8. Develop platforms for schools to develop into protection plans,
  9. Invite other wildlife groups and regions to participate.
For more information please contact us: CLICK ME


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