AI - Artificial Intelligence | Wells Fargo
Artificial intelligence (AI) is now part of everyday life. Digital assistants recognize
your voice and respond to your commands. Computers help translate vast amounts
of data into better-informed medical decisions. Chatbots offer you help with a
human touch.
your voice and respond to your commands. Computers help translate vast amounts
of data into better-informed medical decisions. Chatbots offer you help with a
human touch.
By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships with businesses without any
human interaction.
human interaction.

RC Note: the edge will be biocybernetic marketing where algorithmic reactions make possible that the customer becomes an integral part of the process and the reward. Early adopter will have a huge advantage while others will try just to cope with it, trying to understand how to compete while the process change to new usages and tools, and then, the cycle of advantage - dis-advantage starts again and "early adopters keep the pace to win.
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